Valuation of Dayworks in Construction Contracts

Construction projects are executed through a contract signed between the owner of the project (called the client or employer) and the contractor. The construction contract allows for the introduction of new works whose scope may not have been captured in the original contract, through variations. This new work is valued using the contract unit rates … Read more

Summary of the Provisions of the Labour Relations Act, 2007 (Kenya)

In this article, I highlight Kenya’s Labour Relations Act provisions that stood out when I read it. This is mainly on labour relations, trade unions and employer federations, industrial action, and dispute resolution. Introduction It is cited as an Act of the Parliament of Kenya for the following purposes: Salient Provisions of the Act S.4 … Read more

5 Main Effects of Delayed Payments in Construction

Delayed payments have been a significant concern for the construction industry. Both bespoke and standard forms of construction contracts have laid down guidance on the path to be taken when payment is delayed. However, even with those measures in place, the challenge remains. When a project owner fails to pay the main contractor in time, … Read more

Demystifying Payment Delays in Construction

Payment delays or slow payment processing is a problem that the construction industry has been facing for a long time now. According to Levelset’s National Construction Payment Report published in 2020, 48% of businesses wait for more than 30 days from the day of invoicing to receive payments. Further, a similar report published in 2019 … Read more

Salient Provisions of the Employment Act, 2007 (Revised 2012) – Kenya

This is an act of the Parliament of Kenya to, among other uses, declare and define the fundamental rights of employees, provide basic employment conditions, and regulate the employment of children. Prohibition of Forced Labour Forced labour is prohibited under section 4 of the act, with section 6 requiring the employer with more than 20 … Read more

What Happens When Payments Delay in Construction?

The slow payment process is a problem that we have to deal with in the construction industry. As a contractor or sub-contractor, you aim to complete a project within budget, and on time and make profits. If payments are delayed, that is going to affect your cash flows and the ultimate success of the project. … Read more

4 Main Types of EIA

EIA is an acronym for Environmental Impact Assessment. This refers to a systematic analysis of projects, policies, plans, and programmes to determine their potential environmental and social impacts, the significance of such effects, and propose measures to mitigate the negative ones. It is the anchor of sustainable development, guided by important principles that we discussed … Read more

Salient Provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act No. 15 of 2007, Revised 2010 (Kenya)

This is an act of the Parliament of Kenya to provide for the safety, health and welfare of workers and all persons lawfully present in the workplace against risks to safety and health arising out of or in connection with the activities of the person at work. Registration of Workplaces Construction sites, quarries, workshops, offices … Read more

Public Housing Systems, Policies and Practices: Lessons from China and Chile

This follow-up article builds up on our earlier post on lessons from the success of the Singapore public housing systems. Here, we’ll discuss lessons from China and Chile. China’s Public Housing Programme The Chinese government had been the only provider of public housing until 1998 when it could not match the high demand for housing … Read more

Singapore: Public Housing Systems, Policies and Practices

In the colonial period, Singapore Island was used as a base for distribution, financial, transportation and communication functions, with mainland Malaysia as the production base for agricultural and mineral products. The area developed into a highly congested mixed land use, fuelled by rapid population growth and the inattention of the colonial authorities. After the Malaysian … Read more

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